Internet Pornography


World Wide increase in sex industries 1Web is a unique invention that helps us to  get information about everything we want and don’t want. There are a lot of interesting, educational sites as well as pornographic ones. Nowadays children are aware of the Internet and they are browsing the web all day long. Unfortunately, no one controls what can a child see or come along with. Maybe even searching the word “toy” can link a child to pornographic images, or preteen can click on the email link in spam box, etc.

“For a teen, pornography can become something that radically shapes their beliefs about sexuality. When children or adolescents are directly exposed to pornography they are more likely to desire sexual intercourse at an earlier age, more likely to see sex as a commodity, less likely to see marriage or having a family as attractive prospects, and more likely to see certain abnormal sexual practices as “normal.”r170432_639345

The whole article describes how pornographic images work, how adolescents perceive them and what should parent do. For more information please visit the article.


Gilkerson, Luke. "Breaking Free » Teens and Internet Pornography” Covenant Eyes. 27 Aug. 2008. Web. 01 May 2010.

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1 Response to Internet Pornography

May 24, 2010 at 1:44 AM

Yes, the problem does really exist. I agree that, internet can be extremely harmful for teenagers and their way of perceiving things. But how do you think this problem could be solved? parents can not always control what their children do 24/7, so who is responsible for the problem set above? I think government must be more restrictive and such web sites must be either require payment or age limit.

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