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- Michaela Baginova is writing about how new media is creating stereotypes of minorities such as men, women, gays, lesbians and ethnic minorities. In her one post she talks how gender roles are stereotyped by the media. for example she notes that men are stereotyped as head of the family, strong, smart and skillful, while women are portrayed as housewives, take care of children, and cook. As Michaela states, those stereotyping has a great impact on children from the
early age and they have the same perception of those genders as they see in the media. She also talks about stereotyped body images, that teenagers are looking at skinny sex bomb models and want to look exactly the same,so they starve themselves and develop eating disorders. as for the final word she writes how these stereotyping in media impacts children's perceptions, values, believes and attitudes towards minorities.
- Another Blog i found interesting was Barbora Chromeckova’s on Internet Content Regulation. She talks that totalitarian countries blocked some internet sites in order to “protect” their citizens from the foreign news, or other countries censored web sites of pornography to protect their human rights. The main argument for het is that freedom of speech and expression and people want to have access to the information. She provides information about Iran blocking the internet sites and how is EU reacting on it, internet censorship in China, as well as some examples in Europe.
- Nathalie Todd in her blog talks about Violence in Media specifically in movies, TV shows and video games. She is more concentrating on children between ages 8-18, because she believes that under age 8, children do not have much access to those mediums and what different negative effects violence in media have on them. She states that the main problem in children is when they glorify violence and thing that it is something great, brave and then they imitate it in real life. Natalie gives us the example of one Korean Family who were involved in video games and article about Media Violence may effecting children mind.
- In her blog Danijela Demarin writes about how individuality is lost by the influence of media. She states that we are in constant influence of media telling us what we could achieve if we looked or behaved differently. She gives many examples from TV shows and from hear real life. One of the examples from the TV shows she describes MTV’s Show called “i want a famous face”, where contestants are having plastic surgery in order to be the same as their favorite celebrities. Danijela is giving and showing different prospectus of the topic which makes it really interesting to read.
- Tamta Karseladze in her blog writes about hate sites and states that internet seems to be the powerful way to distribute hateful massages. Moreover, informs us that people are turning into social networking sites in order to show their aggression about different things:racism, terrorism, homophoby and many more. According to her number one hate sites are created about Barak Obama. She also writes about the case when Manchester pupils created a hate site and its consequences. Furthermore, there is an information that Europe wants to block hate sites.
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