TV sex and Teen Pregnancy study


pregnant-teens-0315-changes These days’ adolescents have a vast and enormous amount of information, will it be television, magazine or the Internet. It just doesn’t matter, information is there and anyone can have a free access to every kind of information. One of the biggest concerns is teenage pregnancy in America, which is making America number one in teenage pregnancy rates in developed countries.

Survey published in 2008 “Does Watching Sex on Television Predict Teenage Pregnancy?” by American Academy of Pediatrics is giving detailed information, methods and results about this issue. Their main objective was to understand if television with a lot of sexual content shapes adolescents sexual attitudes and behaviors or not. As for the results, teenagers who are spending a lot of time watching sexual content programs “(90th percentile) were twice as likely to experience a pregnancy in the subsequent 3 years, compared with those with lower levels of exposure (10th percentile).”

This is the first study which linked sex in television and teenage pregnancy. The study also suggests that teenagers should be informed from their parents about consequences of early sex lives, rather than be educated from the various types of media.
For more information here is the link to the site or PDF of the journal.

Chandra, Anita. "Pediatrics." AAP - Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. 31 Oct. 2008. Web. 8 May 2010.

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1 Response to TV sex and Teen Pregnancy study

May 23, 2010 at 11:24 AM

Generally, sex is a good thing. And it seems that it can not affect negatively on anyone. But, no. Maybe. It negatively affects those who are the result of the sex turns. Children. There is one way out. Remove children from the TV screens and enjoy it in their absence. =)=)=)lol!=)

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