Posted by Unknown in
In this post I will provide more sites to look at and read for further details and information. 
- American Academy of Pediatrics is an amazing site where you can find every kind of research done and published about children in their journal Pediatrics. The study published in 2006 examines sexual content in 4 mass media (television, movies, magazines and music) used by young people and how it forecasts sexual activities in teens. There were 1017 white and black adolescents questioned and results for both groups were different. Shortly, those mediums speed up sexual activities among white kids and they are more likely to have sexual intercourse in early age, than black youth. Those kids are inspired by opinions of their family and friends’ about sexual actions than by different kinds of media.
- The music industry is one of the most profitable ones in the 21st century. Every day new singers are popping up with new music videos. Mostly every music video has a bit of sexual content; however R&B, Hip Hop or Rap genre music videos are extremely sexual. Besides this, even the lyrics are provocative, sexual and sometimes pornographic. Those genre music videos are similar to each other, a singer is very popular among women, is rich, has a fancy car and is surrounded by bunch of beautiful women-which are all the time depicted as sex objects-always to please man.
This article is providing us about the resent study, how lyrics of certain music can provoke teens to have sex in early age.
As for example please watch and listen to the lyrics
- Nowadays one of the most popular trends among American teenagers is so called “sexting”-spreading naked photos of yourself or someone else’s by phone or computer. This became a big issue since several high school students got involved in “sexting” and went through devastating consequences of it-embarrassment, humiliation, disrespect, suicide and many more. To read more information about this phenomena and victims please click here.
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