Classmate's blogs

  • Michaela Baginova is writing about how new media is creating stereotypes of minorities such as men, women, gays, lesbians and ethnic minorities. In her one post she talks how gender roles are stereotyped by the media. for example she notes that men are stereotyped as head of the family, strong, smart and skillful, while women are portrayed as housewives,  take care of children, and cook. As Michaela states, those stereotyping has a great impact on children from theBloggerIcon early age and they have the same perception of those genders as they see in the media. She also talks about stereotyped body images, that teenagers are looking at skinny sex bomb models and want to look exactly the same,so they starve themselves and develop eating disorders. as for the final word she writes how these stereotyping in media impacts children's perceptions, values, believes and attitudes towards minorities.
For further reading please visit her blog

  • Another Blog i found interesting was Barbora Chromeckova’s on Internet Content Regulation. She talks that totalitarian countries blocked some internet sites in order to “protect” their citizens from the foreign news, or other countries censored web sites of pornography to protect their human rights. The main argument for het is that freedom of speech and expression and people want to have access to the information. She provides information about Iran blocking the internet sites and how is EU reacting on it, internet censorship in China, as well as some examples in Europe.
For more information please visit her blog

  • Nathalie Todd in her blog talks about Violence in Media specifically in movies, TV shows and video games. She is more concentrating on children between ages 8-18, because she believes that under age 8, children do not have much access to those mediums and  what  different negative effects violence in media have on them. She states that the main problem in children is when they glorify violence and thing that it is something great, brave and then they imitate it in real life. Natalie gives us the example of one Korean Family who were involved in video games and article about Media Violence may effecting children mind.
For interested readers please visit her blog

  • In her blog Danijela Demarin writes about how individuality is lost by the influence of media. She states that we are in constant influence of media telling us what we could achieve if we looked or behaved differently. She gives many examples from TV shows and from hear real life. One of the examples from the TV shows she describes MTV’s Show called “i want a famous face”, where contestants are having plastic surgery in order to be the same as their favorite celebrities. Danijela is giving and showing different prospectus of the topic which makes it really interesting to read.
For further reading please visit her blog

  • Tamta Karseladze in her blog writes about hate sites and states that internet seems to be the powerful way to distribute hateful massages. Moreover, informs us that people are turning into social networking sites in order to show their aggression about different things:racism, terrorism, homophoby and many more. According to her number one hate sites are created about Barak Obama. She also writes about the case when Manchester pupils created a hate site and its consequences. Furthermore, there is an information that Europe wants to block hate sites.
For more information here is her blog

Why this subject is important?


Different types of media became so accessible to everyone, especially to teenagers and young people, that no one can control that. Media depictions influence adolescents eating, smoking, drinking and even more their personal life. Unfortunately, the reason of those negative effects is sexual images from TV, in films, music, glossy magazines, video games and Web pages.

According to one report "The average American youth spends one-third of each day with various forms of mass media, mostly without parental oversight." sex_over_and_over_by_neversaidneverThis means that they watch whatever they want even those programs, movies, or TV channels that are not supposed for their age. Therefore, teenagers and high-school students have earlier sexual intercourse and many of them have psychological problems such as anorexia, bulimia or obesity.

Most studied medium is television and its sexual substance is inescapable and rising. The content of TV is various, where you can find any kind of program for any kind of person. Even though, TV producers are filming teenage movies and TV Shows, they still have some content that influences youth from different perspectives. According to the study, 65% say that shows like The Simpsons and Married… With Children push kids to disregard parents.

The aim of this blog is to show society, how different types of media are influencing youth by looking at different mediums and their content. The aim of this blog is to teach and give more information about what effects and consequences have a lot of sexually explicit images and videos broadcasted by TV, movies, advertisements and many more. 


Brown, Jane D., Kelly Ladin L'Engle, Carol J. Pardun, and Kristin Kenneavy. "Sexy Media Matter: Exposure to Sexual Content in Music, Movies, Television, and Magazines Predicts Black and White Adolescents' Sexual Behavior -- Brown Et Al. 117 (4): 1018 -- Pediatrics." AAP - Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. 3 Apr. 2006. Web. 13 May 2010

"Facts and TV Statistics." Parents Television Council - Because Our Children Are Watching. Web. 13 May 2010. 


sexting2 So called “Sexting”–new phenomenon among American teenagers – is to send nude or semi-nude pictures of theirs or others by cell phones.

Kids aged from 12, who aren't sexually active, are distribute unambiguous, insulting and yet pornographic pictures to their companions.

This trend had an enormous response; couple of teenagers lives changed after someone spread their explicit images. In 2009, eighteen-year old Phillip Alpert, was blamed for child pornography when he send this girlfriends nude picture (which she took for him) to his friends and family members after the quarrel they had. According to Florida law, he was immediately registered as a child sex offender.

MTV News special "Sexting in America: When Privates Go Public" had a premiere on Valentine's Day this year as an element of MTV's A Thin Line campaign to prevent the increase of digital violence.
The show looked carefully at current increase of “sexting” in pop culture, as well as celebrity world. In addition, it comprehensively looked how frequent teens sent or forwarded naked, sexual or unambiguous images and what are results of it. Show also looked at why “sexting” users click “forward” rather than “delete”.
sexting Besides this, those teens - whose lives changed after they were draw into “sexting”- were invited.

A new MTV and AP study discovered that three in 10 adolescents have spread or got exposed "sext" messages. Moreover, the study found out that more than 75 percent of inquired said that digital abuse is a severe problem for them.
Personally, I do think that teenagers who are involved in “sexting” just do not know how to have fun anymore and they are inventing those evil “game”, if I can call it like that. Mostly, I blame these new TV-shows that are extremely popular worldwide and teens watching it, want to have the same life and same fun. However, they never think about consequences of their actions.

When I read about “sexting” I recalled popular TV-show “Gossip Girl”, where everyone is stalking everybody and then spreading the gossips by “Gossip Girl” blog. Furthermore, this is made up story and show where main characters solve those problems and gossips about them.
Unfortunately, there is completely different scenario in real life, where someone’s stupid action can heart his/her close friend/relative or even somebody completely stranger.

If you are interested in MTV News special "Sexting in America: When Privates Go Public" follow the link to see the show.

Teen gets 15 years for blackmailing

According to Associated Press report, Antony Stancl, 19, from Wisconsin was imprisoned for 15 years on 24th of February 2010 for blackmailing his fellows into sex. 

In 2008, Anthony created a facebook account as a girl and deceived more than 30 male classmates into sending their nude pictures and videos. According to court document, authorities found more than 300 pictures of his classmates in his computer and several videos showing their genitals and even masturbating process. Some of the victims were 15 years old. 

Seven of the victims said that Stancl, pretending as a girl, endangered to publish their naked images on the internet or send them to their friends if they refused to have sexual intercourse with “her” male friend. When the victims met with Stancl, he made oral sex with victims and meanwhile he took pictures with his cell phone.
One of the victims, who was 16 at the time, reported that after allowing Stancl to perform oral sex on him, the girl “Kayla” said it wasn’t enough and threatened to post the oral sex pictures online if the victim didn’t have anal sex with Stancl. After this occurred on two occasions, “Kayla” demanded the victim send her a nude photo of his brother as well. The victim then went to his parents, who contacted police.
One of the victims, who was 16 at the time, said that after that incident, for the girl “Kayla” that was not enough and demanded to have anal sex with Stancl and again intimidated with publishing the oral sex pictures. The girl also asked for a nude photo of his brother. After this, victim talked to his parents, who contacted police.

According to many studies and statistics, American teenagers are more likely to watch sexual channels on television as well as find some information or videos in the Internet, without supervisor from their parents. More and more teenagers are drawn into this digital world, where there are no limitations. According to some researches teens who are watching a lot of sexually explicit images or videos, violence in media are more likely to copy those actions to their own lives. I would say that this case should be one of them. 

TV sex and Teen Pregnancy study


pregnant-teens-0315-changes These days’ adolescents have a vast and enormous amount of information, will it be television, magazine or the Internet. It just doesn’t matter, information is there and anyone can have a free access to every kind of information. One of the biggest concerns is teenage pregnancy in America, which is making America number one in teenage pregnancy rates in developed countries.

Survey published in 2008 “Does Watching Sex on Television Predict Teenage Pregnancy?” by American Academy of Pediatrics is giving detailed information, methods and results about this issue. Their main objective was to understand if television with a lot of sexual content shapes adolescents sexual attitudes and behaviors or not. As for the results, teenagers who are spending a lot of time watching sexual content programs “(90th percentile) were twice as likely to experience a pregnancy in the subsequent 3 years, compared with those with lower levels of exposure (10th percentile).”

This is the first study which linked sex in television and teenage pregnancy. The study also suggests that teenagers should be informed from their parents about consequences of early sex lives, rather than be educated from the various types of media.
For more information here is the link to the site or PDF of the journal.

Chandra, Anita. "Pediatrics." AAP - Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. 31 Oct. 2008. Web. 8 May 2010.

Internet Pornography


World Wide increase in sex industries 1Web is a unique invention that helps us to  get information about everything we want and don’t want. There are a lot of interesting, educational sites as well as pornographic ones. Nowadays children are aware of the Internet and they are browsing the web all day long. Unfortunately, no one controls what can a child see or come along with. Maybe even searching the word “toy” can link a child to pornographic images, or preteen can click on the email link in spam box, etc.

“For a teen, pornography can become something that radically shapes their beliefs about sexuality. When children or adolescents are directly exposed to pornography they are more likely to desire sexual intercourse at an earlier age, more likely to see sex as a commodity, less likely to see marriage or having a family as attractive prospects, and more likely to see certain abnormal sexual practices as “normal.”r170432_639345

The whole article describes how pornographic images work, how adolescents perceive them and what should parent do. For more information please visit the article.


Gilkerson, Luke. "Breaking Free » Teens and Internet Pornography” Covenant Eyes. 27 Aug. 2008. Web. 01 May 2010.